Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Sun Blazes Down on Semakau 080309

Remember how in primary school there were a couple of 'standard' phrases used in writing compositions? I've never been a fan of them but if there ever was a time to use one, it would be to describe the weather on Sunday. So here goes:

The sun beat mercilessly down on us...(haha!). After doing battle with the mozzies (they love me but the feeling isn't mutual) in the forest trail, we finally arrived at the intertidal area. Split into 2 groups, Wen Qing, Nonis, Xiu Li and myself followed Luan Keng while Hui Yi, Ying Wei and Elvin had Ron as their leader. We were there to pile in the transect markers for the upcoming transect this Saturday. As we headed out...

...LK spotted this Mangrove Horseshoe Crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda). Two species can be found in Singapore - the one above as well as the Coastal Horseshoe Crab (Tachypleus gigas). Two easy indicators to look out for are colour and tail structure. The mangrove species is brownish with a rounded tail while its coastal relative is greyish with spines on its tail. Read more about horseshoe crabs in general here, and the 2 species that can be found in Singapore here.

Kinda seemed apt that the first animal spotted was a horseshoe crab, for on that very day in the evening, a Horseshoe Crab Population & Distribution Survey was conducted around the mainland, organised by the Nature Society (Singapore). I sure hope that minimal damage was incurred for volunteers had to dig up (a lot of) mud in order to locate the horseshoe crabs...

After crossing the seagrass meadow, we entered the coral rubble/coral reef area where two huge pore corals (Porites sp.)* caught our attention with their different colouration.

Sadly, the top of both corals are dead and the scorching sun didn't help matters.

After piling in the transect markers, we had some time to explore. Hunter-seekers who arrived before everyone else found this synaptid sea cucumber (Family Synaptidae) and marked out its location.

Another find by the hunter-seekers was this Noble Volute (Cymbiola nobilis) and its eggs. Was amazed to see that the mass of eggs it laid was as big as it was. Its shell kind of looked faded to me, compared to the previous ones I'd seen at Changi before. Also, it was smaller. Size can't be used to judge its maturity, I realised.

A dead octopus (Class Cephalopoda, Order Octopoda).* Wen Qing's close examination of it revealed that some of its tentacles were shorter than the others. We learned from one of the visitors that tentacles can get bitten off by predators and are subsequently regenerated. Cool!

Bakaus (Rhizophora spp.) greet visitors to the Semakau intertidal area. Learned that 2 species can be found growing on the edges of the sandy shore - R. apiculata and R. stylosa.

Though both species look similar, they can be told apart even at a distance by their roots. Both mangroves have stilt or prop roots, but those of R. apiculata are not so spread out as compared to that of R. stylosa. In addition, the stipule^ of the former is red while that of the latter is yellow. The stipule wraps over the apical bud, protecting it. The red stipules will eventually drop off as the young leaves grow.* Can you tell which picture is of which species? One last thing to note, R. apiculata has a shorter flower stalk than R. stylosa.

Another Rhizophora species, R. mucronata has big leaves which distinguish it from the two above.

Taking one last look at a Rhizophora stylosa before we leave.

Some other things seen but not photographed:
i. Mosaic Crab (not too sure...it ducked for cover really quickly so I only caught a glimpse)
ii. Crab with yellowish-brown carapace (ditto the above)
iii. Black-lipped Conch
iv. Sand-sifting Sea Star aka Common Sea Star
v. Ovum Cowrie
vi. Eagle

Heard about the sightings of Knobbly Sea Stars and turtles from Ron but didn't get to see them D:

Thanks to LK for the info! And to everyone for the company :)
*Ron, thanks for the corrections!
^Thanks to Anonymous for bringing my attention to the terms used (ie. stipule and apical bud)! [Refer to Anonymous' comment]

Given the weather, a cap and a lot of water are essentials!

For other takes on the trip, check these entries out:


  1. Hi,

    I am confused by the term that you used for the Rhizophra.

    Most of the books that I came across use Stipule for the pointy thingy between the leaves. Is there a reason why Apical bud is being used in this case?

    Is there any differences between Apical bud and stipule?

  2. Thanks for pointing that out! Have made some changes to the entry which point out the difference :)
